Nourishing the Future – Beyond Food

empowHER India’s core focus lies in arming girls with the knowledge and skills required to make informed nutrition choices

By Anamara Baig

It is imperative to highlight the close relationship between adolescent empowerment and nutrition. empowHER India, a non-profit organization, has been working to bridge this gap by educating and empowering adolescent girls, recognizing that without proper nutrition, true empowerment is just not possible.

The proverb, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime,” aptly encapsulates empowHER India’s philosophy. While providing food and supplements certainly has a place as part of the solution, empowHER India focuses on equipping girls with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their nutrition.

Malnutrition remains a persistent challenge in various parts of India, even as food availability and income levels are on the rise. With the knowledge that malnutrition isn’t solely a result of food scarcity; it also stems from a lack of awareness and education regarding proper nutrition. Adolescent girls, in particular, are vulnerable to this issue, exacerbated by their exposure to unhealthy junk foods and sugary beverages, leading to a decline in the consumption of essential nutrients like leafy greens and vegetables.

As part of our intervention adolescents are taught the following:

1.            Dietary Food Groups: Understanding the basics of nutrition is essential. EmpowHER India teaches girls about the various food groups, helping them make informed choices about what they eat. This knowledge lays the foundation for a healthier diet.

2.            Balanced Diet: Ensuring a balanced diet is a key aspect of good nutrition. Girls are educated about how to incorporate foods from different groups into their daily meals, providing them with the nutrients their bodies need to thrive.

3.            Nutrition for Adolescent Girls: Adolescent girls face unique nutritional challenges, such as iron deficiency. empowHER India equips them with the knowledge to recognize and combat these challenges. Iron-deficiency anemia is a common issue among young girls, and addressing it is crucial for their overall well-being.

By imparting knowledge in these areas, empowHER India empowers adolescent girls to take control of their health and nutrition. In doing so, they break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition and set the stage for healthier, more empowered lives.

empowHER India under the SETU program has impacted over 5,000 adolescents. Nutrition is a key component of this program. Here is a link to a video where a mother discusses the changes she observes in her daughter’s food choices:

We consistently get this feedback from girls and mothers that after attending the SETU classes, there has been a marked improvement in their eating habits.

Anamara Baig

Anamara Baig is the CEO of empowHER India. Under Anamara’s leadership, empowHER India has implemented several programs aimed at promoting gender equality.

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